Friday, April 18, 2014

We All Have Work, Let No One Shirk. . .

This past week we have been settling into camp at Cowboy Village and driving up to HVC to work.  Missionaries were working on assembling new bunk beds for the cabins as well as helping organize the maintenance area.  We were assigned to the maintenance area.

 This is the back of the Maintenance shed.  There is a complete woodworking shop
 inside as well as several bays where they can work on vehicles

These are storage units in back of the Maintenance Building

 These are a just a few of the vehicles they have at HVC - everything
from snowplows to dump trucks, backhoes and tractors
to 6-passenger ATV's.

Here is Charlie moving about 12 bags of concrete from one of the
storage units to another- it may not look like much, but those
bags of concrete weighed about 40 lbs each.  I was in charge of sweeping
out the storage shed once it had been emptied (a cush job compared to
hauling 80 lbs of concrete multiple times from one shed to another.

It was a tight squeeze between storage units - so
tight in fact that you couldn't open the door all the way.
I was also in charge of holding the door (an even cushier job) while Charlie
stacked the concrete in the storage unit on the right. 

Besides moving sacks of concrete, we moved tires, hauled scrap metal to the dumpster where it was being collected for recycling, and sorted through lots of trash.  By the time we got back to Cowboy Village we were quite dirty and tired from a hard day of work -you can bet we had a good nights sleep!

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